piki industries pty ltd

Adelaide Laboratories is a bespoke Crown and Bridge Laboratory in the heart of Adelaide's CBD. The laboratory was established in 1946 by Kevin Kitto and later his son Steve Kitto. Katie & Pete Inns now proudly carry on the tradition of a family owned and operated, independent dental laboratory, the focus of which is to provide the highest quality dental product, designed and made in South Australia. The onsite Amann Girrbach milling machine allows for rapid turn around of work and as the only Amann Girrbach Live Lab in Adelaide we welcome dental professionalsto our lab to talk with us and see our work at any time.

Not All Zirconia Blanks are Created Equal

At Adelaide Laboratories we mill crowns and bridges using Zirconia blanks. However, not all zirconia blanks are created equal.

One of the main drivers for us in investing in our Amann Girrbach milling machines was to be able to ensure the quality of the zirconia we are using in our work. Adelaide Laboratories only uses Amann Girrbach zirconia blanks. The blanks are made in a production facility in Austria using 100% Tosoh powder which is the highest quality zirconia from Japan. It is not diluted. So if Adelaide Laboratories is milling your zirconia, you know you are getting the highest quality, strongest zirconia on the market. 

If you come and visit us at the lab you will be able to see for yourself. The blanks are branded ‘Ceramill’ to distinguish them in the market from cheaper knock offs.

Quality and transparency… two of our favourite words at Adelaide Labs.

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