2018 SA Health Supplier Awards
On Friday 26 October 2018 Adelaide Laboratories was awarded ‘Highly Commended’ at the SA Health Suppliers Awards! Very proud to be runners up to the amazing people at Australasian Medical & Scientific Ltd (AMSL). The Award was in recognition of Technological Improvements that suppliers have instigated, that streamline processes between themselves and SA Health, leading to better health outcomes for their patients.
Our Amann Girrbach inhouse CAD/CAM milling system is integral to the way we were able to respond and streamline our processes for SA Health and this is true for all our clients.
As the Adelaide Amann Girrbach Live Lab, we are set up for our clients to be able to come to the lab, have a demonstration on the capabilities of our fantastic technicians and the Amann Girrbach inhouse CAD/CAM Milling system. Then with this insight, we work together with our Dentists to create better outcomes for all their patients.
Katie photographed here with Natasha Chaina from AMSL.